Sunday 8 January 2012

Unidentified Mortal Instruments Sneak Peeks

These are two unidentified snippets from either City of Lost Souls or Heavenly Fire. Cassandra Clare has not specified which.

  • But the rest of Jace’s mind is watching the door slam behind her and seeing the final ruin of all his dreams. It was one thing to push it to this point. It is another to let go forever. Because he knows Clary, and if she goes now, she will not ever come back.

  • The body sank without a trace, and Sebastian forgot it before it had even sunk all the way. He saw the curled fingers, bobbing in the currents as if restored to life and begging for help or at least answers, and thought of his dream. His sister, and a sea of blood.

So which book do you think each of these are from?

This is from a TOTALY unidentified book, meaning any of the shadowhunter series. Any guess as to which one???

  • She looked at the boy. He was pale as milk, his blue eyes startling against so much white skin and the darkness of his hair and eyelashes. He was long-legged, slender as a willow branch, but strong: a very pretty boy, even to her, who looked at human beings and saw mortality and rot.

Posted by Rapunzel

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